luigi.contrib.hive module

exception luigi.contrib.hive.HiveCommandError(message, out=None, err=None)[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

luigi.contrib.hive.run_hive(args, check_return_code=True)[source]

Runs the hive from the command line, passing in the given args, and returning stdout.

With the apache release of Hive, so of the table existence checks (which are done using DESCRIBE do not exit with a return code of 0 so we need an option to ignore the return code and just return stdout for parsing

luigi.contrib.hive.run_hive_cmd(hivecmd, check_return_code=True)[source]

Runs the given hive query and returns stdout.


Runs the contents of the given script in hive and returns stdout.

class luigi.contrib.hive.HiveClient[source]

Bases: object

abstract table_location(table, database='default', partition=None)[source]

Returns location of db.table (or db.table.partition). partition is a dict of partition key to value.

abstract table_schema(table, database='default')[source]

Returns list of [(name, type)] for each column in database.table.

abstract table_exists(table, database='default', partition=None)[source]

Returns true if db.table (or db.table.partition) exists. partition is a dict of partition key to value.

abstract partition_spec(partition)[source]

Turn a dict into a string partition specification

class luigi.contrib.hive.HiveCommandClient[source]

Bases: HiveClient

Uses hive invocations to find information.

table_location(table, database='default', partition=None)[source]

Returns location of db.table (or db.table.partition). partition is a dict of partition key to value.

table_exists(table, database='default', partition=None)[source]

Returns true if db.table (or db.table.partition) exists. partition is a dict of partition key to value.

table_schema(table, database='default')[source]

Returns list of [(name, type)] for each column in database.table.


Turns a dict into the a Hive partition specification string.

class luigi.contrib.hive.ApacheHiveCommandClient[source]

Bases: HiveCommandClient

A subclass for the HiveCommandClient to (in some cases) ignore the return code from the hive command so that we can just parse the output.

table_schema(table, database='default')[source]

Returns list of [(name, type)] for each column in database.table.

class luigi.contrib.hive.MetastoreClient[source]

Bases: HiveClient

table_location(table, database='default', partition=None)[source]

Returns location of db.table (or db.table.partition). partition is a dict of partition key to value.

table_exists(table, database='default', partition=None)[source]

Returns true if db.table (or db.table.partition) exists. partition is a dict of partition key to value.

table_schema(table, database='default')[source]

Returns list of [(name, type)] for each column in database.table.


Turn a dict into a string partition specification

class luigi.contrib.hive.HiveThriftContext[source]

Bases: object

Context manager for hive metastore client.

class luigi.contrib.hive.WarehouseHiveClient(hdfs_client=None, warehouse_location=None)[source]

Bases: HiveClient

Client for managed tables that makes decision based on presence of directory in hdfs

table_schema(table, database='default')[source]

Returns list of [(name, type)] for each column in database.table.

table_location(table, database='default', partition=None)[source]

Returns location of db.table (or db.table.partition). partition is a dict of partition key to value.

table_exists(table, database='default', partition=None)[source]

The table/partition is considered existing if corresponding path in hdfs exists and contains file except those which match pattern set in ignored_file_masks


Turn a dict into a string partition specification

class luigi.contrib.hive.HiveQueryTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseHadoopJobTask

Task to run a hive query.

n_reduce_tasks = None
bytes_per_reducer = None
reducers_max = None
abstract query()[source]

Text of query to run in hive


Location of an rc file to run before the query if hiverc-location key is specified in luigi.cfg, will default to the value there otherwise returns None.

Returning a list of rc files will load all of them in order.


Returns a dict of key=value settings to be passed along to the hive command line via –hivevar. This option can be used as a separated namespace for script local variables. See


Returns a dict of key=value settings to be passed along to the hive command line via –hiveconf. By default, sets to task_id and if not None, sets:

  • mapred.reduce.tasks (n_reduce_tasks)

  • mapred.fairscheduler.pool (pool) or (pool)

  • hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer (bytes_per_reducer)

  • hive.exec.reducers.max (reducers_max)

class luigi.contrib.hive.HiveQueryRunner[source]

Bases: JobRunner

Runs a HiveQueryTask by shelling out to hive.


Called before job is started.

If output is a FileSystemTarget, create parent directories so the hive command won’t fail

get_arglist(f_name, job)[source]
run_job(job, tracking_url_callback=None)[source]
class luigi.contrib.hive.HivePartitionTarget(table, partition, database='default', fail_missing_table=True, client=None)[source]

Bases: Target

Target representing Hive table or Hive partition

@param table: Table name @type table: str @param partition: partition specificaton in form of dict of {“partition_column_1”: “partition_value_1”, “partition_column_2”: “partition_value_2”, … } If partition is None or {} then target is Hive nonpartitioned table @param database: Database name @param fail_missing_table: flag to ignore errors raised due to table nonexistence @param client: HiveCommandClient instance. Default if client is None


returns True if the partition/table exists

property path

Returns the path for this HiveTablePartitionTarget’s data.

class luigi.contrib.hive.HiveTableTarget(table, database='default', client=None)[source]

Bases: HivePartitionTarget

Target representing non-partitioned table

@param table: Table name @type table: str @param partition: partition specificaton in form of dict of {“partition_column_1”: “partition_value_1”, “partition_column_2”: “partition_value_2”, … } If partition is None or {} then target is Hive nonpartitioned table @param database: Database name @param fail_missing_table: flag to ignore errors raised due to table nonexistence @param client: HiveCommandClient instance. Default if client is None

class luigi.contrib.hive.ExternalHiveTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ExternalTask

External task that depends on a Hive table/partition.

database = Parameter (defaults to default)
table = Parameter
partition = DictParameter (defaults to {}): Python dictionary specifying the target partition e.g. {"date": "2013-01-25"}

The output that this Task produces.

The output of the Task determines if the Task needs to be run–the task is considered finished iff the outputs all exist. Subclasses should override this method to return a single Target or a list of Target instances.

Implementation note

If running multiple workers, the output must be a resource that is accessible by all workers, such as a DFS or database. Otherwise, workers might compute the same output since they don’t see the work done by other workers.

See Task.output