luigi.contrib.ssh module

Light-weight remote execution library and utilities.

There are some examples in the unittest but I added another that is more luigi-specific in the examples directory (examples/

RemoteContext is meant to provide functionality similar to that of the standard library subprocess module, but where the commands executed are run on a remote machine instead, without the user having to think about prefixing everything with “ssh” and credentials etc.

Using this mini library (which is just a convenience wrapper for subprocess), RemoteTarget is created to let you stream data from a remotely stored file using the luigi FileSystemTarget semantics.

As a bonus, RemoteContext also provides a really cool feature that let’s you set up ssh tunnels super easily using a python context manager (there is an example in the integration part of unittests).

This can be super convenient when you want secure communication using a non-secure protocol or circumvent firewalls (as long as they are open for ssh traffic).

exception luigi.contrib.ssh.RemoteCalledProcessError(returncode, command, host, output=None)[source]

Bases: CalledProcessError

class luigi.contrib.ssh.RemoteContext(host, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Popen(cmd, **kwargs)[source]

Remote Popen.


Execute a shell command remotely and return the output.

Simplified version of Popen when you only want the output as a string and detect any errors.

tunnel(local_port, remote_port=None, remote_host='localhost')[source]

Open a tunnel between localhost:local_port and remote_host:remote_port via the host specified by this context.

Remember to close() the returned “tunnel” object in order to clean up after yourself when you are done with the tunnel.

class luigi.contrib.ssh.RemoteFileSystem(host, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: FileSystem


Return True if file or directory at path exist, False otherwise.


Return a list of files rooted in path.

This returns an iterable of the files rooted at path. This is intended to be a recursive listing.


path (str) – a path within the FileSystem to list.

Note: This method is optional, not all FileSystem subclasses implements it.


Return True if directory at path exist, False otherwise.

remove(path, recursive=True)[source]

Remove file or directory at location path.

mkdir(path, parents=True, raise_if_exists=False)[source]

Create directory at location path

Creates the directory at path and implicitly create parent directories if they do not already exist.

  • path (str) – a path within the FileSystem to create as a directory.

  • parents (bool) – Create parent directories when necessary. When parents=False and the parent directory doesn’t exist, raise

  • raise_if_exists (bool) – raise if the folder already exists.

put(local_path, path)[source]
get(path, local_path)[source]
class luigi.contrib.ssh.AtomicRemoteFileWriter(fs, path)[source]

Bases: OutputPipeProcessWrapper

property tmp_path
property fs
class luigi.contrib.ssh.RemoteTarget(path, host, format=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: FileSystemTarget

Target used for reading from remote files.

The target is implemented using ssh commands streaming data over the network.

Initializes a FileSystemTarget instance.


path – the path associated with this FileSystemTarget.

property fs

The FileSystem associated with this FileSystemTarget.


Open the FileSystem target.

This method returns a file-like object which can either be read from or written to depending on the specified mode.


mode (str) – the mode r opens the FileSystemTarget in read-only mode, whereas w will open the FileSystemTarget in write mode. Subclasses can implement additional options. Using b is not supported; initialize with format=Nop instead.
