Running Luigi

Running from the Command Line

The preferred way to run Luigi tasks is through the luigi command line tool that will be installed with the pip package.

#, available in your sys.path
import luigi

class MyTask(luigi.Task):
    x = luigi.IntParameter()
    y = luigi.IntParameter(default=45)

    def run(self):
        print(self.x + self.y)

Should be run like this

$ luigi --module my_module MyTask --x 123 --y 456 --local-scheduler

Or alternatively like this:

$ python -m luigi --module my_module MyTask --x 100 --local-scheduler

Note that if a parameter name contains ‘_’, it should be replaced by ‘-‘. For example, if MyTask had a parameter called ‘my_parameter’:

$ luigi --module my_module MyTask --my-parameter 100 --local-scheduler


Please make sure to always place task parameters behind the task family!

Running from Python code

Another way to start tasks from Python code is using, worker_scheduler_factory=None, **env_params) from luigi.interface module.

This way of running luigi tasks is useful if you want to get some dynamic parameters from another source, such as database, or provide additional logic before you start tasks.

One notable difference is that build defaults to not using the identical process lock. If you want to change this behaviour, just pass no_lock=False.

class MyTask1(luigi.Task):
    x = luigi.IntParameter()
    y = luigi.IntParameter(default=0)

    def run(self):
        print(self.x + self.y)

class MyTask2(luigi.Task):
    x = luigi.IntParameter()
    y = luigi.IntParameter(default=1)
    z = luigi.IntParameter(default=2)

    def run(self):
        print(self.x * self.y * self.z)

if __name__ == '__main__':[MyTask1(x=10), MyTask2(x=15, z=3)])

Also, it is possible to pass additional parameters to build such as host, port, workers and local_scheduler:

if __name__ == '__main__':[MyTask1(x=1)], workers=5, local_scheduler=True)

To achieve some special requirements you can pass to build your worker_scheduler_factory which will return your worker and/or scheduler implementations:

class MyWorker(Worker):
    # some custom logic

class MyFactory:
  def create_local_scheduler(self):
      return scheduler.Scheduler(prune_on_get_work=True, record_task_history=False)

  def create_remote_scheduler(self, url):
      return rpc.RemoteScheduler(url)

  def create_worker(self, scheduler, worker_processes, assistant=False):
      # return your worker instance
      return MyWorker(
          scheduler=scheduler, worker_processes=worker_processes, assistant=assistant)

if __name__ == '__main__':[MyTask1(x=1)], worker_scheduler_factory=MyFactory())

In some cases (like task queue) it may be useful.

Response of

  • Default response By default returns True if there were no scheduling errors. This is the same as the attribute LuigiRunResult.scheduling_succeeded.

  • Detailed response This is a response of type LuigiRunResult. This is obtained by passing a keyword argument detailed_summary=True to build/run. This response contains detailed information about the jobs.

    if __name__ == '__main__':
         luigi_run_result =, detailed_summary=True)

Luigi on Windows

Most Luigi functionality works on Windows. Exceptions:

  • Specifying multiple worker processes using the workers argument for, or using the --workers command line argument. (Similarly, specifying --worker-force-multiprocessing). For most programs, this will result in failure (a common sight is BrokenPipeError). The reason is that worker processes are assumed to be forked from the main process. Forking is not possible on Windows.

  • Running the Luigi central scheduling server as a daemon (i.e. with --background). Again, a Unix-only concept.