Source code for luigi.contrib.esindex

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Support for Elasticsearch (1.0.0 or newer).

Provides an :class:`ElasticsearchTarget` and a :class:`CopyToIndex` template task.

Modeled after :class:`luigi.contrib.rdbms.CopyToTable`.

A minimal example (assuming elasticsearch is running on localhost:9200):

.. code-block:: python

    class ExampleIndex(CopyToIndex):
        index = 'example'

        def docs(self):
            return [{'_id': 1, 'title': 'An example document.'}]

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        task = ExampleIndex()[task], local_scheduler=True)

All options:

.. code-block:: python

    class ExampleIndex(CopyToIndex):
        host = 'localhost'
        port = 9200
        index = 'example'
        doc_type = 'default'
        purge_existing_index = True
        marker_index_hist_size = 1

        def docs(self):
            return [{'_id': 1, 'title': 'An example document.'}]

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        task = ExampleIndex()[task], local_scheduler=True)

`Host`, `port`, `index`, `doc_type` parameters are standard elasticsearch.

`purge_existing_index` will delete the index, whenever an update is required.
This is useful, when one deals with "dumps" that represent the whole data, not just updates.

`marker_index_hist_size` sets the maximum number of entries in the 'marker'

* 0 (default) keeps all updates,
* 1 to only remember the most recent update to the index.

This can be useful, if an index needs to recreated, even though
the corresponding indexing task has been run sometime in the past - but
a later indexing task might have altered the index in the meantime.

There are a two luigi `luigi.cfg` configuration options:

.. code-block:: ini


    marker-index = update_log
    marker-doc-type = entry


# pylint: disable=F0401,E1101,C0103
import abc
import datetime
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import itertools

import luigi

logger = logging.getLogger('luigi-interface')

    import elasticsearch
    if elasticsearch.__version__ < (1, 0, 0):
        logger.warning("This module works with elasticsearch 1.0.0 "
                       "or newer only.")
    from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk
    from elasticsearch.connection import Urllib3HttpConnection

except ImportError:
    logger.warning("Loading esindex module without elasticsearch installed. "
                   "Will crash at runtime if esindex functionality is used.")

[docs] class ElasticsearchTarget(luigi.Target): """ Target for a resource in Elasticsearch.""" marker_index = luigi.configuration.get_config().get('elasticsearch', 'marker-index', 'update_log') marker_doc_type = luigi.configuration.get_config().get('elasticsearch', 'marker-doc-type', 'entry') def __init__(self, host, port, index, doc_type, update_id, marker_index_hist_size=0, http_auth=None, timeout=10, extra_elasticsearch_args=None): """ :param host: Elasticsearch server host :type host: str :param port: Elasticsearch server port :type port: int :param index: index name :type index: str :param doc_type: doctype name :type doc_type: str :param update_id: an identifier for this data set :type update_id: str :param marker_index_hist_size: list of changes to the index to remember :type marker_index_hist_size: int :param timeout: Elasticsearch connection timeout :type timeout: int :param extra_elasticsearch_args: extra args for Elasticsearch :type Extra: dict """ if extra_elasticsearch_args is None: extra_elasticsearch_args = {} = host self.port = port self.http_auth = http_auth self.index = index self.doc_type = doc_type self.update_id = update_id self.marker_index_hist_size = marker_index_hist_size self.timeout = timeout self.extra_elasticsearch_args = extra_elasticsearch_args = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch( connection_class=Urllib3HttpConnection,, port=self.port, http_auth=self.http_auth, timeout=self.timeout, **self.extra_elasticsearch_args )
[docs] def marker_index_document_id(self): """ Generate an id for the indicator document. """ params = '%s:%s:%s' % (self.index, self.doc_type, self.update_id) return hashlib.sha1(params.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
[docs] def touch(self): """ Mark this update as complete. The document id would be sufficient but, for documentation, we index the parameters `update_id`, `target_index`, `target_doc_type` and `date` as well. """ self.create_marker_index(), doc_type=self.marker_doc_type, id=self.marker_index_document_id(), body={ 'update_id': self.update_id, 'target_index': self.index, 'target_doc_type': self.doc_type, 'date':}) self.ensure_hist_size()
[docs] def exists(self): """ Test, if this task has been run. """ try:, doc_type=self.marker_doc_type, id=self.marker_index_document_id()) return True except elasticsearch.NotFoundError: logger.debug('Marker document not found.') except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as err: logger.warn(err) return False
[docs] def create_marker_index(self): """ Create the index that will keep track of the tasks if necessary. """ if not
[docs] def ensure_hist_size(self): """ Shrink the history of updates for a `index/doc_type` combination down to `self.marker_index_hist_size`. """ if self.marker_index_hist_size == 0: return result =, doc_type=self.marker_doc_type, body={'query': { 'term': {'target_index': self.index}}}, sort=('date:desc',)) for i, hit in enumerate(result.get('hits').get('hits'), start=1): if i > self.marker_index_hist_size: marker_document_id = hit.get('_id'), index=self.marker_index, doc_type=self.marker_doc_type)
[docs] class CopyToIndex(luigi.Task): """ Template task for inserting a data set into Elasticsearch. Usage: 1. Subclass and override the required `index` attribute. 2. Implement a custom `docs` method, that returns an iterable over the documents. A document can be a JSON string, e.g. from a newline-delimited JSON (ldj) file (default implementation) or some dictionary. Optional attributes: * doc_type (default), * host (localhost), * port (9200), * settings ({'settings': {}}) * mapping (None), * chunk_size (2000), * raise_on_error (True), * purge_existing_index (False), * marker_index_hist_size (0) If settings are defined, they are only applied at index creation time. """ @property def host(self): """ ES hostname. """ return 'localhost' @property def port(self): """ ES port. """ return 9200 @property def http_auth(self): """ ES optional http auth information as either ‘:’ separated string or a tuple, e.g. `('user', 'pass')` or `"user:pass"`. """ return None @property @abc.abstractmethod def index(self): """ The target index. May exist or not. """ return None @property def doc_type(self): """ The target doc_type. """ return 'default' @property def mapping(self): """ Dictionary with custom mapping or `None`. """ return None @property def settings(self): """ Settings to be used at index creation time. """ return {'settings': {}} @property def chunk_size(self): """ Single API call for this number of docs. """ return 2000 @property def raise_on_error(self): """ Whether to fail fast. """ return True @property def purge_existing_index(self): """ Whether to delete the `index` completely before any indexing. """ return False @property def marker_index_hist_size(self): """ Number of event log entries in the marker index. 0: unlimited. """ return 0 @property def timeout(self): """ Timeout. """ return 10 @property def extra_elasticsearch_args(self): """ Extra arguments to pass to the Elasticsearch constructor """ return {}
[docs] def docs(self): """ Return the documents to be indexed. Beside the user defined fields, the document may contain an `_index`, `_type` and `_id`. """ with self.input().open('r') as fobj: for line in fobj: yield line
# everything below will rarely have to be overridden def _docs(self): """ Since `` may yield documents that do not explicitly contain `_index` or `_type`, add those attributes here, if necessary. """ iterdocs = iter( first = next(iterdocs) needs_parsing = False if isinstance(first, str): needs_parsing = True elif isinstance(first, dict): pass else: raise RuntimeError('Document must be either JSON strings or dict.') for doc in itertools.chain([first], iterdocs): if needs_parsing: doc = json.loads(doc) if '_index' not in doc: doc['_index'] = self.index if '_type' not in doc: doc['_type'] = self.doc_type yield doc def _init_connection(self): return elasticsearch.Elasticsearch( connection_class=Urllib3HttpConnection,, port=self.port, http_auth=self.http_auth, timeout=self.timeout, **self.extra_elasticsearch_args )
[docs] def create_index(self): """ Override to provide code for creating the target index. By default it will be created without any special settings or mappings. """ es = self._init_connection() if not es.indices.exists(index=self.index): es.indices.create(index=self.index, body=self.settings)
[docs] def delete_index(self): """ Delete the index, if it exists. """ es = self._init_connection() if es.indices.exists(index=self.index): es.indices.delete(index=self.index)
[docs] def update_id(self): """ This id will be a unique identifier for this indexing task. """ return self.task_id
[docs] def output(self): """ Returns a ElasticsearchTarget representing the inserted dataset. Normally you don't override this. """ return ElasticsearchTarget(, port=self.port, http_auth=self.http_auth, index=self.index, doc_type=self.doc_type, update_id=self.update_id(), marker_index_hist_size=self.marker_index_hist_size, timeout=self.timeout, extra_elasticsearch_args=self.extra_elasticsearch_args )
[docs] def run(self): """ Run task, namely: * purge existing index, if requested (`purge_existing_index`), * create the index, if missing, * apply mappings, if given, * set refresh interval to -1 (disable) for performance reasons, * bulk index in batches of size `chunk_size` (2000), * set refresh interval to 1s, * refresh Elasticsearch, * create entry in marker index. """ if self.purge_existing_index: self.delete_index() self.create_index() es = self._init_connection() if self.mapping: es.indices.put_mapping(index=self.index, doc_type=self.doc_type, body=self.mapping) es.indices.put_settings({"index": {"refresh_interval": "-1"}}, index=self.index) bulk(es, self._docs(), chunk_size=self.chunk_size, raise_on_error=self.raise_on_error) es.indices.put_settings({"index": {"refresh_interval": "1s"}}, index=self.index) es.indices.refresh() self.output().touch()