Source code for luigi.contrib.hdfs.webhdfs_client

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# Copyright 2015 VNG Corporation
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A luigi file system client that wraps around the hdfs-library (a webhdfs

Note. This wrapper client is not feature complete yet. As with most software
the authors only implement the features they need.  If you need to wrap more of
the file system operations, please do and contribute back.

from luigi.contrib.hdfs import config as hdfs_config
from luigi.contrib.hdfs import abstract_client as hdfs_abstract_client
import logging
import os
import warnings

logger = logging.getLogger('luigi-interface')

[docs] class webhdfs(luigi.Config): port = luigi.IntParameter(default=50070, description='Port for webhdfs') user = luigi.Parameter(default='', description='Defaults to $USER envvar', config_path=dict(section='hdfs', name='user')) client_type = luigi.ChoiceParameter(var_type=str, choices=['insecure', 'kerberos'], default='insecure', description='Type of hdfs client to use.')
[docs] class WebHdfsClient(hdfs_abstract_client.HdfsFileSystem): """ A webhdfs that tries to confirm to luigis interface for file existence. The library is using `this api <>`__. """ def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, user=None, client_type=None): = host or hdfs_config.hdfs().namenode_host self.port = port or webhdfs().port self.user = user or webhdfs().user or os.environ['USER'] self.client_type = client_type or webhdfs().client_type @property def url(self): # the hdfs package allows it to specify multiple namenodes by passing a string containing # multiple namenodes separated by ';' hosts =";") urls = ['http://' + host + ':' + str(self.port) for host in hosts] return ";".join(urls) @property def client(self): # A naive benchmark showed that 1000 existence checks took 2.5 secs # when not recreating the client, and 4.0 secs when recreating it. So # not urgent to memoize it. Note that it *might* be issues with process # forking and whatnot (as the one in the snakebite client) if we # memoize it too trivially. if self.client_type == 'kerberos': from hdfs.ext.kerberos import KerberosClient return KerberosClient(url=self.url) else: import hdfs return hdfs.InsecureClient(url=self.url, user=self.user)
[docs] def walk(self, path, depth=1): return self.client.walk(path, depth=depth)
[docs] def exists(self, path): """ Returns true if the path exists and false otherwise. """ import hdfs try: self.client.status(path) return True except hdfs.util.HdfsError as e: if str(e).startswith('File does not exist: '): return False else: raise e
[docs] def upload(self, hdfs_path, local_path, overwrite=False): return self.client.upload(hdfs_path, local_path, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def download(self, hdfs_path, local_path, overwrite=False, n_threads=-1): return, local_path, overwrite=overwrite, n_threads=n_threads)
[docs] def remove(self, hdfs_path, recursive=True, skip_trash=False): assert skip_trash # Yes, you need to explicitly say skip_trash=True return self.client.delete(hdfs_path, recursive=recursive)
[docs] def read(self, hdfs_path, offset=0, length=None, buffer_size=None, chunk_size=1024, buffer_char=None): return, offset=offset, length=length, buffer_size=buffer_size, chunk_size=chunk_size, buffer_char=buffer_char)
[docs] def move(self, path, dest): parts = dest.rstrip('/').split('/') if len(parts) > 1: dir_path = '/'.join(parts[0:-1]) if not self.exists(dir_path): self.mkdir(dir_path, parents=True) self.client.rename(path, dest)
[docs] def mkdir(self, path, parents=True, mode=0o755, raise_if_exists=False): """ Has no returnvalue (just like WebHDFS) """ if not parents or raise_if_exists: warnings.warn('webhdfs mkdir: parents/raise_if_exists not implemented') permission = int(oct(mode)[2:]) # Convert from int(decimal) to int(octal) self.client.makedirs(path, permission=permission)
[docs] def chmod(self, path, permissions, recursive=False): """ Raise a NotImplementedError exception. """ raise NotImplementedError("Webhdfs in luigi doesn't implement chmod")
[docs] def chown(self, path, owner, group, recursive=False): """ Raise a NotImplementedError exception. """ raise NotImplementedError("Webhdfs in luigi doesn't implement chown")
[docs] def count(self, path): """ Raise a NotImplementedError exception. """ raise NotImplementedError("Webhdfs in luigi doesn't implement count")
[docs] def copy(self, path, destination): """ Raise a NotImplementedError exception. """ raise NotImplementedError("Webhdfs in luigi doesn't implement copy")
[docs] def put(self, local_path, destination): """ Restricted version of upload """ self.upload(local_path, destination)
[docs] def get(self, path, local_destination): """ Restricted version of download """, local_destination)
[docs] def listdir(self, path, ignore_directories=False, ignore_files=False, include_size=False, include_type=False, include_time=False, recursive=False): assert not recursive return self.client.list(path, status=False)
[docs] def touchz(self, path): """ To touchz using the web hdfs "write" cmd. """ self.client.write(path, data='', overwrite=False)