Source code for luigi.contrib.postgres

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2012-2015 Spotify AB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Implements a subclass of :py:class:`` that writes data to Postgres.
Also provides a helper task to copy data into a Postgres table.

import os
import datetime
import logging
import re
import tempfile

import luigi
from luigi.contrib import rdbms

logger = logging.getLogger('luigi-interface')

DB_DRIVER = os.environ.get('LUIGI_PGSQL_DRIVER', 'psycopg2')

ERROR_DUPLICATE_TABLE = 'duplicate_table'
ERROR_UNDEFINED_TABLE = 'undefined_table'

dbapi = None

if DB_DRIVER == 'psycopg2':
        import psycopg2 as dbapi

        def update_error_codes():
            import psycopg2.errorcodes

                psycopg2.errorcodes.DUPLICATE_TABLE: ERROR_DUPLICATE_TABLE,
                psycopg2.errorcodes.UNDEFINED_TABLE: ERROR_UNDEFINED_TABLE,
    except ImportError:

if dbapi is None or DB_DRIVER == 'pg8000':
        import pg8000.dbapi as dbapi  # noqa: F811
        import pg8000.core
        # pg8000 doesn't have an error code catalog so we need to make our own
        # from
    except ImportError:

if dbapi is None:
    logger.warning("Loading postgres module without psycopg2 nor pg8000 installed. "
                   "Will crash at runtime if postgres functionality is used.")

def _is_pg8000_error(exception):
        return isinstance(exception, dbapi.DatabaseError) and \
            isinstance(exception.args, tuple) and \
            isinstance(exception.args[0], dict) and \
            pg8000.core.RESPONSE_CODE in exception.args[0]
    except NameError:
        return False

def _pg8000_connection_reset(connection):
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    if connection.autocommit:
        cursor.execute("DISCARD ALL")
        cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION")

[docs] def db_error_code(exception): try: error_code = None if hasattr(exception, 'pgcode'): error_code = exception.pgcode elif _is_pg8000_error(exception): error_code = exception.args[0][pg8000.core.RESPONSE_CODE] return DB_ERROR_CODES.get(error_code) except TypeError as error: error.__cause__ = exception raise error
[docs] class MultiReplacer: """ Object for one-pass replace of multiple words Substituted parts will not be matched against other replace patterns, as opposed to when using multipass replace. The order of the items in the replace_pairs input will dictate replacement precedence. Constructor arguments: replace_pairs -- list of 2-tuples which hold strings to be replaced and replace string Usage: .. code-block:: python >>> replace_pairs = [("a", "b"), ("b", "c")] >>> MultiReplacer(replace_pairs)("abcd") 'bccd' >>> replace_pairs = [("ab", "x"), ("a", "x")] >>> MultiReplacer(replace_pairs)("ab") 'x' >>> replace_pairs.reverse() >>> MultiReplacer(replace_pairs)("ab") 'xb' """ # TODO: move to misc/util module def __init__(self, replace_pairs): """ Initializes a MultiReplacer instance. :param replace_pairs: list of 2-tuples which hold strings to be replaced and replace string. :type replace_pairs: tuple """ replace_list = list(replace_pairs) # make a copy in case input is iterable self._replace_dict = dict(replace_list) pattern = '|'.join(re.escape(x) for x, y in replace_list) self._search_re = re.compile(pattern) def _replacer(self, match_object): # this method is used as the replace function in the re.sub below return self._replace_dict[] def __call__(self, search_string): # using function replacing for a per-result replace return self._search_re.sub(self._replacer, search_string)
# these are the escape sequences recognized by postgres COPY # according to default_escape = MultiReplacer([('\\', '\\\\'), ('\t', '\\t'), ('\n', '\\n'), ('\r', '\\r'), ('\v', '\\v'), ('\b', '\\b'), ('\f', '\\f') ])
[docs] class PostgresTarget(luigi.Target): """ Target for a resource in Postgres. This will rarely have to be directly instantiated by the user. """ marker_table = luigi.configuration.get_config().get('postgres', 'marker-table', 'table_updates') # if not supplied, fall back to default Postgres port DEFAULT_DB_PORT = 5432 # Use DB side timestamps or client side timestamps in the marker_table use_db_timestamps = True def __init__( self, host, database, user, password, table, update_id, port=None ): """ Args: host (str): Postgres server address. Possibly a host:port string. database (str): Database name user (str): Database user password (str): Password for specified user update_id (str): An identifier for this data set port (int): Postgres server port. """ if ':' in host:, self.port = host.split(':') else: = host self.port = port or self.DEFAULT_DB_PORT self.database = database self.user = user self.password = password self.table = table self.update_id = update_id def __str__(self): return self.table
[docs] def touch(self, connection=None): """ Mark this update as complete. Important: If the marker table doesn't exist, the connection transaction will be aborted and the connection reset. Then the marker table will be created. """ self.create_marker_table() if connection is None: # TODO: test this connection = self.connect() connection.autocommit = True # if connection created here, we commit it here if self.use_db_timestamps: connection.cursor().execute( """INSERT INTO {marker_table} (update_id, target_table) VALUES (%s, %s) """.format(marker_table=self.marker_table), (self.update_id, self.table)) else: connection.cursor().execute( """INSERT INTO {marker_table} (update_id, target_table, inserted) VALUES (%s, %s, %s); """.format(marker_table=self.marker_table), (self.update_id, self.table,
[docs] def exists(self, connection=None): if connection is None: connection = self.connect() connection.autocommit = True cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute("""SELECT 1 FROM {marker_table} WHERE update_id = %s LIMIT 1""".format(marker_table=self.marker_table), (self.update_id,) ) row = cursor.fetchone() except dbapi.DatabaseError as e: if db_error_code(e) == ERROR_UNDEFINED_TABLE: row = None else: raise return row is not None
[docs] def connect(self): """ Get a DBAPI 2.0 connection object to the database where the table is. """ connection = dbapi.connect(, port=self.port, database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password) connection.set_client_encoding('utf-8') return connection
[docs] def create_marker_table(self): """ Create marker table if it doesn't exist. Using a separate connection since the transaction might have to be reset. """ connection = self.connect() connection.autocommit = True cursor = connection.cursor() if self.use_db_timestamps: sql = """ CREATE TABLE {marker_table} ( update_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, target_table TEXT, inserted TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()) """.format(marker_table=self.marker_table) else: sql = """ CREATE TABLE {marker_table} ( update_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, target_table TEXT, inserted TIMESTAMP); """.format(marker_table=self.marker_table) try: cursor.execute(sql) except dbapi.DatabaseError as e: if db_error_code(e) == ERROR_DUPLICATE_TABLE: pass else: raise connection.close()
[docs] def open(self, mode): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot open() PostgresTarget")
[docs] class CopyToTable(rdbms.CopyToTable): """ Template task for inserting a data set into Postgres Usage: Subclass and override the required `host`, `database`, `user`, `password`, `table` and `columns` attributes. To customize how to access data from an input task, override the `rows` method with a generator that yields each row as a tuple with fields ordered according to `columns`. """
[docs] def rows(self): """ Return/yield tuples or lists corresponding to each row to be inserted. """ with self.input().open('r') as fobj: for line in fobj: yield line.strip('\n').split('\t')
[docs] def map_column(self, value): """ Applied to each column of every row returned by `rows`. Default behaviour is to escape special characters and identify any self.null_values. """ if value in self.null_values: return r'\\N' else: return default_escape(str(value))
# everything below will rarely have to be overridden
[docs] def output(self): """ Returns a PostgresTarget representing the inserted dataset. Normally you don't override this. """ return PostgresTarget(, database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password, table=self.table, update_id=self.update_id, port=self.port )
[docs] def copy(self, cursor, file): if isinstance(self.columns[0], str): column_names = self.columns elif len(self.columns[0]) == 2: column_names = [c[0] for c in self.columns] else: raise Exception('columns must consist of column strings or (column string, type string) tuples (was %r ...)' % (self.columns[0],)) # cursor.copy_from is not available in pg8000 if hasattr(cursor, 'copy_from'): cursor.copy_from( file, self.table, null=r'\\N', sep=self.column_separator, columns=column_names) else: copy_sql = ( "COPY {table} ({column_list}) FROM STDIN " "WITH (FORMAT text, NULL '{null_string}', DELIMITER '{delimiter}')" ).format(table=self.table, delimiter=self.column_separator, null_string=r'\\N', column_list=", ".join(column_names)) cursor.execute(copy_sql, stream=file)
[docs] def run(self): """ Inserts data generated by rows() into target table. If the target table doesn't exist, self.create_table will be called to attempt to create the table. Normally you don't want to override this. """ if not (self.table and self.columns): raise Exception("table and columns need to be specified") connection = self.output().connect() # transform all data generated by rows() using map_column and write data # to a temporary file for import using postgres COPY tmp_dir = luigi.configuration.get_config().get('postgres', 'local-tmp-dir', None) tmp_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=tmp_dir) n = 0 for row in self.rows(): n += 1 if n % 100000 == 0:"Wrote %d lines", n) rowstr = self.column_separator.join(self.map_column(val) for val in row) rowstr += "\n" tmp_file.write(rowstr.encode('utf-8'))"Done writing, importing at %s", # attempt to copy the data into postgres # if it fails because the target table doesn't exist # try to create it by running self.create_table for attempt in range(2): try: cursor = connection.cursor() self.init_copy(connection) self.copy(cursor, tmp_file) self.post_copy(connection) if self.enable_metadata_columns: self.post_copy_metacolumns(cursor) except dbapi.DatabaseError as e: if db_error_code(e) == ERROR_UNDEFINED_TABLE and attempt == 0: # if first attempt fails with "relation not found", try creating table"Creating table %s", self.table) # reset() is a psycopg2-specific method if hasattr(connection, 'reset'): connection.reset() else: _pg8000_connection_reset(connection) self.create_table(connection) else: raise else: break # mark as complete in same transaction self.output().touch(connection) # commit and clean up connection.commit() connection.close() tmp_file.close()
[docs] class PostgresQuery(rdbms.Query): """ Template task for querying a Postgres compatible database Usage: Subclass and override the required `host`, `database`, `user`, `password`, `table`, and `query` attributes. Optionally one can override the `autocommit` attribute to put the connection for the query in autocommit mode. Override the `run` method if your use case requires some action with the query result. Task instances require a dynamic `update_id`, e.g. via parameter(s), otherwise the query will only execute once To customize the query signature as recorded in the database marker table, override the `update_id` property. """
[docs] def run(self): connection = self.output().connect() connection.autocommit = self.autocommit cursor = connection.cursor() sql = self.query'Executing query from task: {name}'.format(name=self.__class__)) cursor.execute(sql) # Update marker table self.output().touch(connection) # commit and close connection connection.commit() connection.close()
[docs] def output(self): """ Returns a PostgresTarget representing the executed query. Normally you don't override this. """ return PostgresTarget(, database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password, table=self.table, update_id=self.update_id, port=self.port )