Source code for luigi.contrib.s3

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2012-2015 Spotify AB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Implementation of Simple Storage Service support.
:py:class:`S3Target` is a subclass of the Target class to support S3 file
system operations. The `boto3` library is required to use S3 targets.

import datetime
import itertools
import logging
import os
import os.path
import warnings
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

from urllib.parse import urlsplit

from configparser import NoSectionError

from luigi import configuration
from luigi.format import get_default_format
from luigi.parameter import OptionalParameter, Parameter
from import FileAlreadyExists, FileSystem, FileSystemException, FileSystemTarget, AtomicLocalFile, MissingParentDirectory
from luigi.task import ExternalTask

logger = logging.getLogger('luigi-interface')

    from boto3.s3.transfer import TransferConfig
    import botocore
except ImportError:
    logger.warning("Loading S3 module without the python package boto3. "
                   "Will crash at runtime if S3 functionality is used.")

# two different ways of marking a directory
# with a suffix in S3

[docs] class InvalidDeleteException(FileSystemException): pass
[docs] class FileNotFoundException(FileSystemException): pass
[docs] class DeprecatedBotoClientException(Exception): pass
[docs] class S3Client(FileSystem): """ boto3-powered S3 client. """ _s3 = None DEFAULT_PART_SIZE = 8388608 DEFAULT_THREADS = 100 def __init__(self, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None, aws_session_token=None, **kwargs): options = self._get_s3_config() options.update(kwargs) if aws_access_key_id: options['aws_access_key_id'] = aws_access_key_id if aws_secret_access_key: options['aws_secret_access_key'] = aws_secret_access_key if aws_session_token: options['aws_session_token'] = aws_session_token self._options = options @property def s3(self): # only import boto3 when needed to allow top-lvl s3 module import import boto3 options = dict(self._options) if self._s3: return self._s3 aws_access_key_id = options.get('aws_access_key_id') aws_secret_access_key = options.get('aws_secret_access_key') # Removing key args would break backwards compatibility role_arn = options.get('aws_role_arn') role_session_name = options.get('aws_role_session_name') # In case the aws_session_token is provided use it aws_session_token = options.get('aws_session_token') if role_arn and role_session_name: sts_client = boto3.client('sts') assumed_role = sts_client.assume_role(RoleArn=role_arn, RoleSessionName=role_session_name) aws_secret_access_key = assumed_role['Credentials'].get( 'SecretAccessKey') aws_access_key_id = assumed_role['Credentials'].get('AccessKeyId') aws_session_token = assumed_role['Credentials'].get('SessionToken') logger.debug('using aws credentials via assumed role {} as defined in luigi config' .format(role_session_name)) for key in ['aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'aws_role_session_name', 'aws_role_arn', 'aws_session_token']: if key in options: options.pop(key) # At this stage, if no credentials provided, boto3 would handle their resolution for us # For finding out about the order in which it tries to find these credentials # please see here details # if not (aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key): logger.debug('no credentials provided, delegating credentials resolution to boto3') try: self._s3 = boto3.resource('s3', aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token=aws_session_token, **options) except TypeError as e: logger.error(e.args[0]) if 'got an unexpected keyword argument' in e.args[0]: raise DeprecatedBotoClientException( "Now using boto3. Check that you're passing the correct arguments") raise return self._s3 @s3.setter def s3(self, value): self._s3 = value
[docs] def exists(self, path): """ Does provided path exist on S3? """ (bucket, key) = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(path) # root always exists if self._is_root(key): return True # file if self._exists(bucket, key): return True if self.isdir(path): return True logger.debug('Path %s does not exist', path) return False
[docs] def remove(self, path, recursive=True): """ Remove a file or directory from S3. :param path: File or directory to remove :param recursive: Boolean indicator to remove object and children :return: Boolean indicator denoting success of the removal of 1 or more files """ if not self.exists(path): logger.debug('Could not delete %s; path does not exist', path) return False (bucket, key) = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(path) s3_bucket = self.s3.Bucket(bucket) # root if self._is_root(key): raise InvalidDeleteException('Cannot delete root of bucket at path %s' % path) # file if self._exists(bucket, key): self.s3.meta.client.delete_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key) logger.debug('Deleting %s from bucket %s', key, bucket) return True if self.isdir(path) and not recursive: raise InvalidDeleteException('Path %s is a directory. Must use recursive delete' % path) delete_key_list = [{'Key': obj.key} for obj in s3_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=self._add_path_delimiter(key))] # delete the directory marker file if it exists if self._exists(bucket, '{}{}'.format(key, S3_DIRECTORY_MARKER_SUFFIX_0)): delete_key_list.append({'Key': '{}{}'.format(key, S3_DIRECTORY_MARKER_SUFFIX_0)}) if len(delete_key_list) > 0: n = 1000 for i in range(0, len(delete_key_list), n): self.s3.meta.client.delete_objects(Bucket=bucket, Delete={'Objects': delete_key_list[i: i + n]}) return True return False
[docs] def move(self, source_path, destination_path, **kwargs): """ Rename/move an object from one S3 location to another. :param source_path: The `s3://` path of the directory or key to copy from :param destination_path: The `s3://` path of the directory or key to copy to :param kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the boto3 function `copy` """ self.copy(source_path, destination_path, **kwargs) self.remove(source_path)
[docs] def get_key(self, path): """ Returns the object summary at the path """ (bucket, key) = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(path) if self._exists(bucket, key): return self.s3.ObjectSummary(bucket, key)
[docs] def put(self, local_path, destination_s3_path, **kwargs): """ Put an object stored locally to an S3 path. :param local_path: Path to source local file :param destination_s3_path: URL for target S3 location :param kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the boto function `put_object` """ self._check_deprecated_argument(**kwargs) # put the file self.put_multipart(local_path, destination_s3_path, **kwargs)
[docs] def put_string(self, content, destination_s3_path, **kwargs): """ Put a string to an S3 path. :param content: Data str :param destination_s3_path: URL for target S3 location :param kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the boto3 function `put_object` """ self._check_deprecated_argument(**kwargs) (bucket, key) = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(destination_s3_path) # put the file self.s3.meta.client.put_object( Key=key, Bucket=bucket, Body=content, **kwargs)
[docs] def put_multipart(self, local_path, destination_s3_path, part_size=DEFAULT_PART_SIZE, **kwargs): """ Put an object stored locally to an S3 path using S3 multi-part upload (for files > 8Mb). :param local_path: Path to source local file :param destination_s3_path: URL for target S3 location :param part_size: Part size in bytes. Default: 8388608 (8MB) :param kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the boto function `upload_fileobj` as ExtraArgs """ self._check_deprecated_argument(**kwargs) from boto3.s3.transfer import TransferConfig # default part size for boto3 is 8Mb, changing it to fit part_size # provided as a parameter transfer_config = TransferConfig(multipart_chunksize=part_size) (bucket, key) = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(destination_s3_path) self.s3.meta.client.upload_fileobj( Fileobj=open(local_path, 'rb'), Bucket=bucket, Key=key, Config=transfer_config, ExtraArgs=kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self, source_path, destination_path, threads=DEFAULT_THREADS, start_time=None, end_time=None, part_size=DEFAULT_PART_SIZE, **kwargs): """ Copy object(s) from one S3 location to another. Works for individual keys or entire directories. When files are larger than `part_size`, multipart uploading will be used. :param source_path: The `s3://` path of the directory or key to copy from :param destination_path: The `s3://` path of the directory or key to copy to :param threads: Optional argument to define the number of threads to use when copying (min: 3 threads) :param start_time: Optional argument to copy files with modified dates after start_time :param end_time: Optional argument to copy files with modified dates before end_time :param part_size: Part size in bytes :param kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the boto function `copy` as ExtraArgs :returns tuple (number_of_files_copied, total_size_copied_in_bytes) """ # don't allow threads to be less than 3 threads = 3 if threads < 3 else threads if self.isdir(source_path): return self._copy_dir(source_path, destination_path, threads=threads, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, part_size=part_size, **kwargs) # If the file isn't a directory just perform a simple copy else: return self._copy_file(source_path, destination_path, threads=threads, part_size=part_size, **kwargs)
def _copy_file(self, source_path, destination_path, threads=DEFAULT_THREADS, part_size=DEFAULT_PART_SIZE, **kwargs): src_bucket, src_key = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(source_path) dst_bucket, dst_key = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(destination_path) transfer_config = TransferConfig(max_concurrency=threads, multipart_chunksize=part_size) item = self.get_key(source_path) copy_source = { 'Bucket': src_bucket, 'Key': src_key } self.s3.meta.client.copy(copy_source, dst_bucket, dst_key, Config=transfer_config, ExtraArgs=kwargs) return 1, item.size def _copy_dir(self, source_path, destination_path, threads=DEFAULT_THREADS, start_time=None, end_time=None, part_size=DEFAULT_PART_SIZE, **kwargs): start = copy_jobs = [] management_pool = ThreadPool(processes=threads) transfer_config = TransferConfig(max_concurrency=threads, multipart_chunksize=part_size) src_bucket, src_key = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(source_path) dst_bucket, dst_key = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(destination_path) src_prefix = self._add_path_delimiter(src_key) dst_prefix = self._add_path_delimiter(dst_key) key_path_len = len(src_prefix) total_size_bytes = 0 total_keys = 0 for item in self.list(source_path, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, return_key=True): path = item.key[key_path_len:] # prevents copy attempt of empty key in folder if path != '' and path != '/': total_keys += 1 total_size_bytes += item.size copy_source = { 'Bucket': src_bucket, 'Key': src_prefix + path } the_kwargs = {'Config': transfer_config, 'ExtraArgs': kwargs} job = management_pool.apply_async(self.s3.meta.client.copy, args=(copy_source, dst_bucket, dst_prefix + path), kwds=the_kwargs) copy_jobs.append(job) # Wait for the pools to finish scheduling all the copies management_pool.close() management_pool.join() # Raise any errors encountered in any of the copy processes for result in copy_jobs: result.get() end = duration = end - start'%s : Complete : %s total keys copied in %s' % (, total_keys, duration)) return total_keys, total_size_bytes
[docs] def get(self, s3_path, destination_local_path): """ Get an object stored in S3 and write it to a local path. """ (bucket, key) = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(s3_path) # download the file self.s3.meta.client.download_file(bucket, key, destination_local_path)
[docs] def get_as_bytes(self, s3_path): """ Get the contents of an object stored in S3 as bytes :param s3_path: URL for target S3 location :return: File contents as pure bytes """ (bucket, key) = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(s3_path) obj = self.s3.Object(bucket, key) contents = obj.get()['Body'].read() return contents
[docs] def get_as_string(self, s3_path, encoding='utf-8'): """ Get the contents of an object stored in S3 as string. :param s3_path: URL for target S3 location :param encoding: Encoding to decode bytes to string :return: File contents as a string """ content = self.get_as_bytes(s3_path) return content.decode(encoding)
[docs] def isdir(self, path): """ Is the parameter S3 path a directory? """ (bucket, key) = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(path) s3_bucket = self.s3.Bucket(bucket) # root is a directory if self._is_root(key): return True for suffix in (S3_DIRECTORY_MARKER_SUFFIX_0, S3_DIRECTORY_MARKER_SUFFIX_1): try: self.s3.meta.client.get_object( Bucket=bucket, Key=key + suffix) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if not e.response['Error']['Code'] in ['NoSuchKey', '404']: raise else: return True # files with this prefix key_path = self._add_path_delimiter(key) s3_bucket_list_result = list(itertools.islice( s3_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=key_path), 1)) if s3_bucket_list_result: return True return False
is_dir = isdir # compatibility with old version.
[docs] def mkdir(self, path, parents=True, raise_if_exists=False): if raise_if_exists and self.isdir(path): raise FileAlreadyExists() bucket, key = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(path) if self._is_root(key): # isdir raises if the bucket doesn't exist; nothing to do here. return path = self._add_path_delimiter(path) if not parents and not self.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)): raise MissingParentDirectory() return self.put_string("", path)
[docs] def listdir(self, path, start_time=None, end_time=None, return_key=False): """ Get an iterable with S3 folder contents. Iterable contains absolute paths for which queried path is a prefix. :param path: URL for target S3 location :param start_time: Optional argument to list files with modified (offset aware) datetime after start_time :param end_time: Optional argument to list files with modified (offset aware) datetime before end_time :param return_key: Optional argument, when set to True will return boto3's ObjectSummary (instead of the filename) """ (bucket, key) = self._path_to_bucket_and_key(path) # grab and validate the bucket s3_bucket = self.s3.Bucket(bucket) key_path = self._add_path_delimiter(key) key_path_len = len(key_path) for item in s3_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=key_path): last_modified_date = item.last_modified if ( # neither are defined, list all (not start_time and not end_time) or # start defined, after start (start_time and not end_time and start_time < last_modified_date) or # end defined, prior to end (not start_time and end_time and last_modified_date < end_time) or (start_time and end_time and start_time < last_modified_date < end_time) # both defined, between ): if return_key: yield item else: yield self._add_path_delimiter(path) + item.key[key_path_len:]
[docs] def list(self, path, start_time=None, end_time=None, return_key=False): # backwards compat """ Get an iterable with S3 folder contents. Iterable contains paths relative to queried path. :param path: URL for target S3 location :param start_time: Optional argument to list files with modified (offset aware) datetime after start_time :param end_time: Optional argument to list files with modified (offset aware) datetime before end_time :param return_key: Optional argument, when set to True will return boto3's ObjectSummary (instead of the filename) """ key_path_len = len(self._add_path_delimiter(path)) for item in self.listdir(path, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, return_key=return_key): if return_key: yield item else: yield item[key_path_len:]
@staticmethod def _get_s3_config(key=None): defaults = dict(configuration.get_config().defaults()) try: config = dict(configuration.get_config().items('s3')) except (NoSectionError, KeyError): return {} # So what ports etc can be read without us having to specify all dtypes for k, v in config.items(): try: config[k] = int(v) except ValueError: pass if key: return config.get(key) section_only = {k: v for k, v in config.items() if k not in defaults or v != defaults[k]} return section_only @staticmethod def _path_to_bucket_and_key(path): (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment) = urlsplit(path, allow_fragments=False) question_mark_plus_query = '?' + query if query else '' path_without_initial_slash = path[1:] + question_mark_plus_query return netloc, path_without_initial_slash @staticmethod def _is_root(key): return (len(key) == 0) or (key == '/') @staticmethod def _add_path_delimiter(key): return key if key[-1:] == '/' or key == '' else key + '/' @staticmethod def _check_deprecated_argument(**kwargs): """ If `encrypt_key` or `host` is part of the arguments raise an exception :return: None """ if 'encrypt_key' in kwargs: raise DeprecatedBotoClientException( 'encrypt_key deprecated in boto3. Please refer to boto3 documentation for encryption details.') if 'host' in kwargs: raise DeprecatedBotoClientException( 'host keyword deprecated and is replaced by region_name in boto3.\n' 'example: region_name=us-west-1\n' 'For region names, refer to the amazon S3 region documentation\n' '') def _exists(self, bucket, key): try: self.s3.Object(bucket, key).load() except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] in ['NoSuchKey', '404']: return False else: raise return True
[docs] class AtomicS3File(AtomicLocalFile): """ An S3 file that writes to a temp file and puts to S3 on close. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the boto function `initiate_multipart_upload` """ def __init__(self, path, s3_client, **kwargs): self.s3_client = s3_client super(AtomicS3File, self).__init__(path) self.s3_options = kwargs
[docs] def move_to_final_destination(self): self.s3_client.put_multipart( self.tmp_path, self.path, **self.s3_options)
[docs] class ReadableS3File: def __init__(self, s3_key): self.s3_key = s3_key.get()['Body'] self.buffer = [] self.closed = False self.finished = False
[docs] def read(self, size=None): f = return f
[docs] def close(self): self.s3_key.close() self.closed = True
def __del__(self): self.close() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc, traceback): self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def _add_to_buffer(self, line): self.buffer.append(line) def _flush_buffer(self): output = b''.join(self.buffer) self.buffer = [] return output
[docs] def readable(self): return True
[docs] def writable(self): return False
[docs] def seekable(self): return False
def __iter__(self): key_iter = self.s3_key.__iter__() has_next = True while has_next: try: # grab the next chunk chunk = next(key_iter) # split on newlines, preserving the newline for line in chunk.splitlines(True): if not line.endswith(os.linesep): # no newline, so store in buffer self._add_to_buffer(line) else: # newline found, send it out if self.buffer: self._add_to_buffer(line) yield self._flush_buffer() else: yield line except StopIteration: # send out anything we have left in the buffer output = self._flush_buffer() if output: yield output has_next = False self.close()
[docs] class S3Target(FileSystemTarget): """ Target S3 file object :param kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the boto function `initiate_multipart_upload` """ fs = None def __init__(self, path, format=None, client=None, **kwargs): super(S3Target, self).__init__(path) if format is None: format = get_default_format() self.path = path self.format = format self.fs = client or S3Client() self.s3_options = kwargs
[docs] def open(self, mode='r'): if mode not in ('r', 'w'): raise ValueError("Unsupported open mode '%s'" % mode) if mode == 'r': s3_key = self.fs.get_key(self.path) if not s3_key: raise FileNotFoundException( "Could not find file at %s" % self.path) fileobj = ReadableS3File(s3_key) return self.format.pipe_reader(fileobj) else: return self.format.pipe_writer(AtomicS3File(self.path, self.fs, **self.s3_options))
[docs] class S3FlagTarget(S3Target): """ Defines a target directory with a flag-file (defaults to `_SUCCESS`) used to signify job success. This checks for two things: * the path exists (just like the S3Target) * the _SUCCESS file exists within the directory. Because Hadoop outputs into a directory and not a single file, the path is assumed to be a directory. This is meant to be a handy alternative to AtomicS3File. The AtomicFile approach can be burdensome for S3 since there are no directories, per se. If we have 1,000,000 output files, then we have to rename 1,000,000 objects. """ fs = None def __init__(self, path, format=None, client=None, flag='_SUCCESS'): """ Initializes a S3FlagTarget. :param path: the directory where the files are stored. :type path: str :param client: :type client: :param flag: :type flag: str """ if format is None: format = get_default_format() if path[-1] != "/": raise ValueError("S3FlagTarget requires the path to be to a " "directory. It must end with a slash ( / ).") super(S3FlagTarget, self).__init__(path, format, client) self.flag = flag
[docs] def exists(self): hadoopSemaphore = self.path + self.flag return self.fs.exists(hadoopSemaphore)
[docs] class S3EmrTarget(S3FlagTarget): """ Deprecated. Use :py:class:`S3FlagTarget` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("S3EmrTarget is deprecated. Please use S3FlagTarget") super(S3EmrTarget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class S3PathTask(ExternalTask): """ A external task that to require existence of a path in S3. """ path = Parameter()
[docs] def output(self): return S3Target(self.path)
[docs] class S3EmrTask(ExternalTask): """ An external task that requires the existence of EMR output in S3. """ path = Parameter()
[docs] def output(self): return S3EmrTarget(self.path)
[docs] class S3FlagTask(ExternalTask): """ An external task that requires the existence of EMR output in S3. """ path = Parameter() flag = OptionalParameter(default=None)
[docs] def output(self): return S3FlagTarget(self.path, flag=self.flag)