Source code for luigi.contrib.bigquery_avro

"""Specialized tasks for handling Avro data in BigQuery from GCS.
import logging

from luigi.contrib.bigquery import BigQueryLoadTask, SourceFormat
from luigi.contrib.gcs import GCSClient
from luigi.task import flatten

logger = logging.getLogger('luigi-interface')

    import avro
    import avro.datafile
except ImportError:
    logger.warning('bigquery_avro module imported, but avro is not installed. Any '
                   'BigQueryLoadAvro task will fail to propagate schema documentation')

[docs] class BigQueryLoadAvro(BigQueryLoadTask): """A helper for loading specifically Avro data into BigQuery from GCS. Copies table level description from Avro schema doc, BigQuery internally will copy field-level descriptions to the table. Suitable for use via subclassing: override requires() to return Task(s) that output to GCS Targets; their paths are expected to be URIs of .avro files or URI prefixes (GCS "directories") containing one or many .avro files. Override output() to return a BigQueryTarget representing the destination table. """ source_format = SourceFormat.AVRO def _avro_uri(self, target): path_or_uri = target.uri if hasattr(target, 'uri') else target.path return path_or_uri if path_or_uri.endswith('.avro') else path_or_uri.rstrip('/') + '/*.avro'
[docs] def source_uris(self): return [self._avro_uri(x) for x in flatten(self.input())]
def _get_input_schema(self): """Arbitrarily picks an object in input and reads the Avro schema from it.""" assert avro, 'avro module required' input_target = flatten(self.input())[0] input_fs = input_target.fs if hasattr(input_target, 'fs') else GCSClient() input_uri = self.source_uris()[0] if '*' in input_uri: file_uris = list(input_fs.list_wildcard(input_uri)) if file_uris: input_uri = file_uris[0] else: raise RuntimeError('No match for ' + input_uri) schema = [] exception_reading_schema = [] def read_schema(fp): # fp contains the file part downloaded thus far. We rely on that the DataFileReader # initializes itself fine as soon as the file header with schema is downloaded, without # requiring the remainder of the file... try: reader = avro.datafile.DataFileReader(fp, schema[:] = [BigQueryLoadAvro._get_writer_schema(reader.datum_reader)] except Exception as e: # Save but assume benign unless schema reading ultimately fails. The benign # exception in case of insufficiently big downloaded file part seems to be: # TypeError('ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found',). exception_reading_schema[:] = [e] return False return True, 64 * 1024, read_schema).close() if not schema: raise exception_reading_schema[0] return schema[0] @staticmethod def _get_writer_schema(datum_reader): """Python-version agnostic getter for datum_reader writer(s)_schema attribute Parameters: datum_reader ( DatumReader Returns: Returning correct attribute name depending on Python version. """ return datum_reader.writer_schema def _set_output_doc(self, avro_schema): bq_client = self.output().client.client table = self.output().table patch = { 'description': avro_schema.doc, } bq_client.tables().patch(projectId=table.project_id, datasetId=table.dataset_id, tableId=table.table_id, body=patch).execute()
[docs] def run(self): super(BigQueryLoadAvro, self).run() # We propagate documentation in one fire-and-forget attempt; the output table is # left to exist without documentation if this step raises an exception. try: self._set_output_doc(self._get_input_schema()) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Could not propagate Avro doc to BigQuery table description: %r', e)