Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module parses commands exactly the same as the luigi task runner. You must specify the module, the task and task parameters.
Instead of executing a task, this module prints the significant parameters and state of the task and its dependencies in a tree format.
Use this to visualize the execution plan in the terminal.

.. code-block:: none

    $ luigi-deps-tree --module foo_complex examples.Foo
    └─--[Foo-{} (PENDING)]
        |---[Bar-{'num': '0'} (PENDING)]
        |   |---[Bar-{'num': '4'} (PENDING)]
        |   └─--[Bar-{'num': '5'} (PENDING)]
        |---[Bar-{'num': '1'} (PENDING)]
        └─--[Bar-{'num': '2'} (PENDING)]
            └─--[Bar-{'num': '6'} (PENDING)]
                |---[Bar-{'num': '7'} (PENDING)]
                |   |---[Bar-{'num': '9'} (PENDING)]
                |   └─--[Bar-{'num': '10'} (PENDING)]
                |       └─--[Bar-{'num': '11'} (PENDING)]
                └─--[Bar-{'num': '8'} (PENDING)]
                    └─--[Bar-{'num': '12'} (PENDING)]

from luigi.task import flatten
from luigi.cmdline_parser import CmdlineParser
import sys
import warnings

[docs] class bcolors: ''' colored output for task status ''' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' ENDC = '\033[0m'
[docs] def main(): cmdline_args = sys.argv[1:] with CmdlineParser.global_instance(cmdline_args) as cp: task = cp.get_task_obj() print(print_tree(task))
if __name__ == '__main__': main()