Source code for luigi.worker

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2012-2015 Spotify AB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
The worker communicates with the scheduler and does two things:

1. Sends all tasks that has to be run
2. Gets tasks from the scheduler that should be run

When running in local mode, the worker talks directly to a :py:class:`~luigi.scheduler.Scheduler` instance.
When you run a central server, the worker will talk to the scheduler using a :py:class:`~luigi.rpc.RemoteScheduler` instance.

Everything in this module is private to luigi and may change in incompatible
ways between versions. The exception is the exception types and the
:py:class:`worker` config class.

import collections
import datetime
import getpass
import importlib
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import contextlib
import functools

import queue as Queue
import random
import socket
import threading
import time
import traceback

from luigi import notifications
from luigi.event import Event
from luigi.task_register import load_task
from luigi.scheduler import DISABLED, DONE, FAILED, PENDING, UNKNOWN, Scheduler, RetryPolicy
from import Target
from luigi.task import Task, Config, DynamicRequirements, flatten
from luigi.task_register import TaskClassException
from luigi.task_status import RUNNING
from luigi.parameter import BoolParameter, FloatParameter, IntParameter, OptionalParameter, Parameter, TimeDeltaParameter

import json

logger = logging.getLogger('luigi-interface')

# Prevent fork() from being called during a C-level getaddrinfo() which uses a process-global mutex,
# that may not be unlocked in child process, resulting in the process being locked indefinitely.
fork_lock = threading.Lock()

# Why we assert on _WAIT_INTERVAL_EPS:
# multiprocessing.Queue.get() is undefined for timeout=0 it seems:
# I also tried with really low epsilon, but then ran into the same issue where
# the test case "test_external_dependency_worker_is_patient" got stuck. So I
# unscientifically just set the final value to a floating point number that
# "worked for me".

def _is_external(task):
    return is None or == NotImplemented

def _get_retry_policy_dict(task):
    return RetryPolicy(task.retry_count, task.disable_hard_timeout, task.disable_window)._asdict()

[docs] class TaskException(Exception): pass
GetWorkResponse = collections.namedtuple('GetWorkResponse', ( 'task_id', 'running_tasks', 'n_pending_tasks', 'n_unique_pending', 'n_pending_last_scheduled', 'worker_state', ))
[docs] class TaskProcess(multiprocessing.Process): """ Wrap all task execution in this class. Mainly for convenience since this is run in a separate process. """ # mapping of status_reporter attributes to task attributes that are added to tasks # before they actually run, and removed afterwards forward_reporter_attributes = { "update_tracking_url": "set_tracking_url", "update_status_message": "set_status_message", "update_progress_percentage": "set_progress_percentage", "decrease_running_resources": "decrease_running_resources", "scheduler_messages": "scheduler_messages", } def __init__(self, task, worker_id, result_queue, status_reporter, use_multiprocessing=False, worker_timeout=0, check_unfulfilled_deps=True, check_complete_on_run=False, task_completion_cache=None): super(TaskProcess, self).__init__() self.task = task self.worker_id = worker_id self.result_queue = result_queue self.status_reporter = status_reporter self.worker_timeout = task.worker_timeout if task.worker_timeout is not None else worker_timeout self.timeout_time = time.time() + self.worker_timeout if self.worker_timeout else None self.use_multiprocessing = use_multiprocessing or self.timeout_time is not None self.check_unfulfilled_deps = check_unfulfilled_deps self.check_complete_on_run = check_complete_on_run self.task_completion_cache = task_completion_cache # completeness check using the cache self.check_complete = functools.partial(check_complete_cached, completion_cache=task_completion_cache) def _run_get_new_deps(self): task_gen = if not isinstance(task_gen, return None next_send = None while True: try: if next_send is None: requires = next(task_gen) else: requires = task_gen.send(next_send) except StopIteration: return None # if requires is not a DynamicRequirements, create one to use its default behavior if not isinstance(requires, DynamicRequirements): requires = DynamicRequirements(requires) if not requires.complete(self.check_complete): # not all requirements are complete, return them which adds them to the tree new_deps = [(t.task_module, t.task_family, t.to_str_params()) for t in requires.flat_requirements] return new_deps # get the next generator result next_send = requires.paths
[docs] def run(self):'[pid %s] Worker %s running %s', os.getpid(), self.worker_id, self.task) if self.use_multiprocessing: # Need to have different random seeds if running in separate processes processID = os.getpid() currentTime = time.time() random.seed(processID * currentTime) status = FAILED expl = '' missing = [] new_deps = [] try: # Verify that all the tasks are fulfilled! For external tasks we # don't care about unfulfilled dependencies, because we are just # checking completeness of self.task so outputs of dependencies are # irrelevant. if self.check_unfulfilled_deps and not _is_external(self.task): missing = [] for dep in self.task.deps(): if not self.check_complete(dep): nonexistent_outputs = [output for output in flatten(dep.output()) if not output.exists()] if nonexistent_outputs: missing.append(f'{dep.task_id} ({", ".join(map(str, nonexistent_outputs))})') else: missing.append(dep.task_id) if missing: deps = 'dependency' if len(missing) == 1 else 'dependencies' raise RuntimeError('Unfulfilled %s at run time: %s' % (deps, ', '.join(missing))) self.task.trigger_event(Event.START, self.task) t0 = time.time() status = None if _is_external(self.task): # External task if self.check_complete(self.task): status = DONE else: status = FAILED expl = 'Task is an external data dependency ' \ 'and data does not exist (yet?).' else: with self._forward_attributes(): new_deps = self._run_get_new_deps() if not new_deps: if not self.check_complete_on_run: # update the cache if self.task_completion_cache is not None: self.task_completion_cache[self.task.task_id] = True status = DONE elif self.check_complete(self.task): status = DONE else: raise TaskException("Task finished running, but complete() is still returning false.") else: status = PENDING if new_deps: '[pid %s] Worker %s new requirements %s', os.getpid(), self.worker_id, self.task) elif status == DONE: self.task.trigger_event( Event.PROCESSING_TIME, self.task, time.time() - t0) expl = self.task.on_success()'[pid %s] Worker %s done %s', os.getpid(), self.worker_id, self.task) self.task.trigger_event(Event.SUCCESS, self.task) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except BaseException as ex: status = FAILED expl = self._handle_run_exception(ex) finally: self.result_queue.put( (self.task.task_id, status, expl, missing, new_deps))
def _handle_run_exception(self, ex): logger.exception("[pid %s] Worker %s failed %s", os.getpid(), self.worker_id, self.task) self.task.trigger_event(Event.FAILURE, self.task, ex) return self.task.on_failure(ex) def _recursive_terminate(self): import psutil try: parent = psutil.Process( children = parent.children(recursive=True) # terminate parent. Give it a chance to clean up super(TaskProcess, self).terminate() parent.wait() # terminate children for child in children: try: child.terminate() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: continue except psutil.NoSuchProcess: return
[docs] def terminate(self): """Terminate this process and its subprocesses.""" # default terminate() doesn't cleanup child processes, it orphans them. try: return self._recursive_terminate() except ImportError: return super(TaskProcess, self).terminate()
@contextlib.contextmanager def _forward_attributes(self): # forward configured attributes to the task for reporter_attr, task_attr in self.forward_reporter_attributes.items(): setattr(self.task, task_attr, getattr(self.status_reporter, reporter_attr)) try: yield self finally: # reset attributes again for reporter_attr, task_attr in self.forward_reporter_attributes.items(): setattr(self.task, task_attr, None)
# This code and the task_process_context config key currently feels a bit ad-hoc. # Discussion on generalizing it into a plugin system:
[docs] class ContextManagedTaskProcess(TaskProcess): def __init__(self, context, *args, **kwargs): super(ContextManagedTaskProcess, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.context = context
[docs] def run(self): if self.context: logger.debug('Importing module and instantiating ' + self.context) module_path, class_name = self.context.rsplit('.', 1) module = importlib.import_module(module_path) cls = getattr(module, class_name) with cls(self): super(ContextManagedTaskProcess, self).run() else: super(ContextManagedTaskProcess, self).run()
[docs] class TaskStatusReporter: """ Reports task status information to the scheduler. This object must be pickle-able for passing to `TaskProcess` on systems where fork method needs to pickle the process object (e.g. Windows). """ def __init__(self, scheduler, task_id, worker_id, scheduler_messages): self._task_id = task_id self._worker_id = worker_id self._scheduler = scheduler self.scheduler_messages = scheduler_messages
[docs] def update_tracking_url(self, tracking_url): self._scheduler.add_task( task_id=self._task_id, worker=self._worker_id, status=RUNNING, tracking_url=tracking_url )
[docs] def update_status_message(self, message): self._scheduler.set_task_status_message(self._task_id, message)
[docs] def update_progress_percentage(self, percentage): self._scheduler.set_task_progress_percentage(self._task_id, percentage)
[docs] def decrease_running_resources(self, decrease_resources): self._scheduler.decrease_running_task_resources(self._task_id, decrease_resources)
[docs] class SchedulerMessage: """ Message object that is build by the the :py:class:`Worker` when a message from the scheduler is received and passed to the message queue of a :py:class:`Task`. """ def __init__(self, scheduler, task_id, message_id, content, **payload): super(SchedulerMessage, self).__init__() self._scheduler = scheduler self._task_id = task_id self._message_id = message_id self.content = content self.payload = payload def __str__(self): return str(self.content) def __eq__(self, other): return self.content == other
[docs] def respond(self, response): self._scheduler.add_scheduler_message_response(self._task_id, self._message_id, response)
[docs] class SingleProcessPool: """ Dummy process pool for using a single processor. Imitates the api of multiprocessing.Pool using single-processor equivalents. """
[docs] def apply_async(self, function, args): return function(*args)
[docs] def close(self): pass
[docs] def join(self): pass
[docs] class DequeQueue(collections.deque): """ deque wrapper implementing the Queue interface. """
[docs] def put(self, obj, block=None, timeout=None): return self.append(obj)
[docs] def get(self, block=None, timeout=None): try: return self.pop() except IndexError: raise Queue.Empty
[docs] class AsyncCompletionException(Exception): """ Exception indicating that something went wrong with checking complete. """ def __init__(self, trace): self.trace = trace
[docs] class TracebackWrapper: """ Class to wrap tracebacks so we can know they're not just strings. """ def __init__(self, trace): self.trace = trace
[docs] def check_complete_cached(task, completion_cache=None): # check if cached and complete cache_key = task.task_id if completion_cache is not None and completion_cache.get(cache_key): return True # (re-)check the status is_complete = task.complete() # tell the cache when complete if completion_cache is not None and is_complete: completion_cache[cache_key] = is_complete return is_complete
[docs] def check_complete(task, out_queue, completion_cache=None): """ Checks if task is complete, puts the result to out_queue, optionally using the completion cache. """ logger.debug("Checking if %s is complete", task) try: is_complete = check_complete_cached(task, completion_cache) except Exception: is_complete = TracebackWrapper(traceback.format_exc()) out_queue.put((task, is_complete))
[docs] class worker(Config): # NOTE: `section.config-variable` in the config_path argument is deprecated in favor of `worker.config_variable` id = Parameter(default='', description='Override the auto-generated worker_id') ping_interval = FloatParameter(default=1.0, config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-ping-interval')) keep_alive = BoolParameter(default=False, config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-keep-alive')) count_uniques = BoolParameter(default=False, config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-count-uniques'), description='worker-count-uniques means that we will keep a ' 'worker alive only if it has a unique pending task, as ' 'well as having keep-alive true') count_last_scheduled = BoolParameter(default=False, description='Keep a worker alive only if there are ' 'pending tasks which it was the last to ' 'schedule.') wait_interval = FloatParameter(default=1.0, config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-wait-interval')) wait_jitter = FloatParameter(default=5.0) max_keep_alive_idle_duration = TimeDeltaParameter(default=datetime.timedelta(0)) max_reschedules = IntParameter(default=1, config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-max-reschedules')) timeout = IntParameter(default=0, config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-timeout')) task_limit = IntParameter(default=None, config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-task-limit')) retry_external_tasks = BoolParameter(default=False, config_path=dict(section='core', name='retry-external-tasks'), description='If true, incomplete external tasks will be ' 'retested for completion while Luigi is running.') send_failure_email = BoolParameter(default=True, description='If true, send e-mails directly from the worker' 'on failure') no_install_shutdown_handler = BoolParameter(default=False, description='If true, the SIGUSR1 shutdown handler will' 'NOT be install on the worker') check_unfulfilled_deps = BoolParameter(default=True, description='If true, check for completeness of ' 'dependencies before running a task') check_complete_on_run = BoolParameter(default=False, description='If true, only mark tasks as done after running if they are complete. ' 'Regardless of this setting, the worker will always check if external ' 'tasks are complete before marking them as done.') force_multiprocessing = BoolParameter(default=False, description='If true, use multiprocessing also when ' 'running with 1 worker') task_process_context = OptionalParameter(default=None, description='If set to a fully qualified class name, the class will ' 'be instantiated with a TaskProcess as its constructor parameter and ' 'applied as a context manager around its run() call, so this can be ' 'used for obtaining high level customizable monitoring or logging of ' 'each individual Task run.') cache_task_completion = BoolParameter(default=False, description='If true, cache the response of successful completion checks ' 'of tasks assigned to a worker. This can especially speed up tasks with ' 'dynamic dependencies but assumes that the completion status does not change ' 'after it was true the first time.')
[docs] class KeepAliveThread(threading.Thread): """ Periodically tell the scheduler that the worker still lives. """ def __init__(self, scheduler, worker_id, ping_interval, rpc_message_callback): super(KeepAliveThread, self).__init__() self._should_stop = threading.Event() self._scheduler = scheduler self._worker_id = worker_id self._ping_interval = ping_interval self._rpc_message_callback = rpc_message_callback
[docs] def stop(self): self._should_stop.set()
[docs] def run(self): while True: self._should_stop.wait(self._ping_interval) if self._should_stop.is_set():"Worker %s was stopped. Shutting down Keep-Alive thread" % self._worker_id) break with fork_lock: response = None try: response = except BaseException: # httplib.BadStatusLine: logger.warning('Failed pinging scheduler') # handle rpc messages if response: for message in response["rpc_messages"]: self._rpc_message_callback(message)
[docs] def rpc_message_callback(fn): fn.is_rpc_message_callback = True return fn
[docs] class Worker: """ Worker object communicates with a scheduler. Simple class that talks to a scheduler and: * tells the scheduler what it has to do + its dependencies * asks for stuff to do (pulls it in a loop and runs it) """ def __init__(self, scheduler=None, worker_id=None, worker_processes=1, assistant=False, **kwargs): if scheduler is None: scheduler = Scheduler() self.worker_processes = int(worker_processes) self._worker_info = self._generate_worker_info() self._config = worker(**kwargs) worker_id = worker_id or or self._generate_worker_id(self._worker_info) assert self._config.wait_interval >= _WAIT_INTERVAL_EPS, "[worker] wait_interval must be positive" assert self._config.wait_jitter >= 0.0, "[worker] wait_jitter must be equal or greater than zero" self._id = worker_id self._scheduler = scheduler self._assistant = assistant self._stop_requesting_work = False = socket.gethostname() self._scheduled_tasks = {} self._suspended_tasks = {} self._batch_running_tasks = {} self._batch_families_sent = set() self._first_task = None self.add_succeeded = True self.run_succeeded = True self.unfulfilled_counts = collections.defaultdict(int) # note that ``signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, fn)`` only works inside the main execution thread, which is why we # provide the ability to conditionally install the hook. if not self._config.no_install_shutdown_handler: try: signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.handle_interrupt) signal.siginterrupt(signal.SIGUSR1, False) except AttributeError: pass # Keep info about what tasks are running (could be in other processes) self._task_result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self._running_tasks = {} self._idle_since = None # mp-safe dictionary for caching completation checks across task processes self._task_completion_cache = None if self._config.cache_task_completion: self._task_completion_cache = multiprocessing.Manager().dict() # Stuff for execution_summary self._add_task_history = [] self._get_work_response_history = [] def _add_task(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call ``self._scheduler.add_task``, but store the values too so we can implement :py:func:`luigi.execution_summary.summary`. """ task_id = kwargs['task_id'] status = kwargs['status'] runnable = kwargs['runnable'] task = self._scheduled_tasks.get(task_id) if task: self._add_task_history.append((task, status, runnable)) kwargs['owners'] = task._owner_list() if task_id in self._batch_running_tasks: for batch_task in self._batch_running_tasks.pop(task_id): self._add_task_history.append((batch_task, status, True)) if task and kwargs.get('params'): kwargs['param_visibilities'] = task._get_param_visibilities() self._scheduler.add_task(*args, **kwargs)'Informed scheduler that task %s has status %s', task_id, status) def __enter__(self): """ Start the KeepAliveThread. """ self._keep_alive_thread = KeepAliveThread(self._scheduler, self._id, self._config.ping_interval, self._handle_rpc_message) self._keep_alive_thread.daemon = True self._keep_alive_thread.start() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """ Stop the KeepAliveThread and kill still running tasks. """ self._keep_alive_thread.stop() self._keep_alive_thread.join() for task in self._running_tasks.values(): if task.is_alive(): task.terminate() self._task_result_queue.close() return False # Don't suppress exception def _generate_worker_info(self): # Generate as much info as possible about the worker # Some of these calls might not be available on all OS's args = [('salt', '%09d' % random.randrange(0, 10_000_000_000)), ('workers', self.worker_processes)] try: args += [('host', socket.gethostname())] except BaseException: pass try: args += [('username', getpass.getuser())] except BaseException: pass try: args += [('pid', os.getpid())] except BaseException: pass try: sudo_user = os.getenv("SUDO_USER") if sudo_user: args.append(('sudo_user', sudo_user)) except BaseException: pass return args def _generate_worker_id(self, worker_info): worker_info_str = ', '.join(['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in worker_info]) return 'Worker({})'.format(worker_info_str) def _validate_task(self, task): if not isinstance(task, Task): raise TaskException('Can not schedule non-task %s' % task) if not task.initialized(): # we can't get the repr of it since it's not initialized... raise TaskException('Task of class %s not initialized. Did you override __init__ and forget to call super(...).__init__?' % task.__class__.__name__) def _log_complete_error(self, task, tb): log_msg = "Will not run {task} or any dependencies due to error in complete() method:\n{tb}".format(task=task, tb=tb) logger.warning(log_msg) def _log_dependency_error(self, task, tb): log_msg = "Will not run {task} or any dependencies due to error in deps() method:\n{tb}".format(task=task, tb=tb) logger.warning(log_msg) def _log_unexpected_error(self, task): logger.exception("Luigi unexpected framework error while scheduling %s", task) # needs to be called from within except clause def _announce_scheduling_failure(self, task, expl): try: self._scheduler.announce_scheduling_failure( worker=self._id, task_name=str(task), family=task.task_family, params=task.to_str_params(only_significant=True), expl=expl, owners=task._owner_list(), ) except Exception: formatted_traceback = traceback.format_exc() self._email_unexpected_error(task, formatted_traceback) raise def _email_complete_error(self, task, formatted_traceback): self._announce_scheduling_failure(task, formatted_traceback) if self._config.send_failure_email: self._email_error(task, formatted_traceback, subject="Luigi: {task} failed scheduling. Host: {host}", headline="Will not run {task} or any dependencies due to error in complete() method", ) def _email_dependency_error(self, task, formatted_traceback): self._announce_scheduling_failure(task, formatted_traceback) if self._config.send_failure_email: self._email_error(task, formatted_traceback, subject="Luigi: {task} failed scheduling. Host: {host}", headline="Will not run {task} or any dependencies due to error in deps() method", ) def _email_unexpected_error(self, task, formatted_traceback): # this sends even if failure e-mails are disabled, as they may indicate # a more severe failure that may not reach other alerting methods such # as scheduler batch notification self._email_error(task, formatted_traceback, subject="Luigi: Framework error while scheduling {task}. Host: {host}", headline="Luigi framework error", ) def _email_task_failure(self, task, formatted_traceback): if self._config.send_failure_email: self._email_error(task, formatted_traceback, subject="Luigi: {task} FAILED. Host: {host}", headline="A task failed when running. Most likely run() raised an exception.", ) def _email_error(self, task, formatted_traceback, subject, headline): formatted_subject = subject.format(task=task, formatted_headline = headline.format(task=task, command = subprocess.list2cmdline(sys.argv) message = notifications.format_task_error( formatted_headline, task, command, formatted_traceback) notifications.send_error_email(formatted_subject, message, task.owner_email) def _handle_task_load_error(self, exception, task_ids): msg = 'Cannot find task(s) sent by scheduler: {}'.format(','.join(task_ids)) logger.exception(msg) subject = 'Luigi: {}'.format(msg) error_message = notifications.wrap_traceback(exception) for task_id in task_ids: self._add_task( worker=self._id, task_id=task_id, status=FAILED, runnable=False, expl=error_message, ) notifications.send_error_email(subject, error_message)
[docs] def add(self, task, multiprocess=False, processes=0): """ Add a Task for the worker to check and possibly schedule and run. Returns True if task and its dependencies were successfully scheduled or completed before. """ if self._first_task is None and hasattr(task, 'task_id'): self._first_task = task.task_id self.add_succeeded = True if multiprocess: queue = multiprocessing.Manager().Queue() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes if processes > 0 else None) else: queue = DequeQueue() pool = SingleProcessPool() self._validate_task(task) pool.apply_async(check_complete, [task, queue, self._task_completion_cache]) # we track queue size ourselves because len(queue) won't work for multiprocessing queue_size = 1 try: seen = {task.task_id} while queue_size: current = queue.get() queue_size -= 1 item, is_complete = current for next in self._add(item, is_complete): if next.task_id not in seen: self._validate_task(next) seen.add(next.task_id) pool.apply_async(check_complete, [next, queue, self._task_completion_cache]) queue_size += 1 except (KeyboardInterrupt, TaskException): raise except Exception as ex: self.add_succeeded = False formatted_traceback = traceback.format_exc() self._log_unexpected_error(task) task.trigger_event(Event.BROKEN_TASK, task, ex) self._email_unexpected_error(task, formatted_traceback) raise finally: pool.close() pool.join() return self.add_succeeded
def _add_task_batcher(self, task): family = task.task_family if family not in self._batch_families_sent: task_class = type(task) batch_param_names = task_class.batch_param_names() if batch_param_names: self._scheduler.add_task_batcher( worker=self._id, task_family=family, batched_args=batch_param_names, max_batch_size=task.max_batch_size, ) self._batch_families_sent.add(family) def _add(self, task, is_complete): if self._config.task_limit is not None and len(self._scheduled_tasks) >= self._config.task_limit: logger.warning('Will not run %s or any dependencies due to exceeded task-limit of %d', task, self._config.task_limit) deps = None status = UNKNOWN runnable = False else: formatted_traceback = None try: self._check_complete_value(is_complete) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except AsyncCompletionException as ex: formatted_traceback = ex.trace except BaseException: formatted_traceback = traceback.format_exc() if formatted_traceback is not None: self.add_succeeded = False self._log_complete_error(task, formatted_traceback) task.trigger_event(Event.DEPENDENCY_MISSING, task) self._email_complete_error(task, formatted_traceback) deps = None status = UNKNOWN runnable = False elif is_complete: deps = None status = DONE runnable = False task.trigger_event(Event.DEPENDENCY_PRESENT, task) elif _is_external(task): deps = None status = PENDING runnable = self._config.retry_external_tasks task.trigger_event(Event.DEPENDENCY_MISSING, task) logger.warning('Data for %s does not exist (yet?). The task is an ' 'external data dependency, so it cannot be run from' ' this luigi process.', task) else: try: deps = task.deps() self._add_task_batcher(task) except Exception as ex: formatted_traceback = traceback.format_exc() self.add_succeeded = False self._log_dependency_error(task, formatted_traceback) task.trigger_event(Event.BROKEN_TASK, task, ex) self._email_dependency_error(task, formatted_traceback) deps = None status = UNKNOWN runnable = False else: status = PENDING runnable = True if task.disabled: status = DISABLED if deps: for d in deps: self._validate_dependency(d) task.trigger_event(Event.DEPENDENCY_DISCOVERED, task, d) yield d # return additional tasks to add deps = [d.task_id for d in deps] self._scheduled_tasks[task.task_id] = task self._add_task( worker=self._id, task_id=task.task_id, status=status, deps=deps, runnable=runnable, priority=task.priority, resources=task.process_resources(), params=task.to_str_params(), family=task.task_family, module=task.task_module, batchable=task.batchable, retry_policy_dict=_get_retry_policy_dict(task), accepts_messages=task.accepts_messages, ) def _validate_dependency(self, dependency): if isinstance(dependency, Target): raise Exception('requires() can not return Target objects. Wrap it in an ExternalTask class') elif not isinstance(dependency, Task): raise Exception('requires() must return Task objects but {} is a {}'.format(dependency, type(dependency))) def _check_complete_value(self, is_complete): if is_complete not in (True, False): if isinstance(is_complete, TracebackWrapper): raise AsyncCompletionException(is_complete.trace) raise Exception("Return value of Task.complete() must be boolean (was %r)" % is_complete) def _add_worker(self): self._worker_info.append(('first_task', self._first_task)) self._scheduler.add_worker(self._id, self._worker_info) def _log_remote_tasks(self, get_work_response): logger.debug("Done") logger.debug("There are no more tasks to run at this time") if get_work_response.running_tasks: for r in get_work_response.running_tasks: logger.debug('%s is currently run by worker %s', r['task_id'], r['worker']) elif get_work_response.n_pending_tasks: logger.debug( "There are %s pending tasks possibly being run by other workers", get_work_response.n_pending_tasks) if get_work_response.n_unique_pending: logger.debug( "There are %i pending tasks unique to this worker", get_work_response.n_unique_pending) if get_work_response.n_pending_last_scheduled: logger.debug( "There are %i pending tasks last scheduled by this worker", get_work_response.n_pending_last_scheduled) def _get_work_task_id(self, get_work_response): if get_work_response.get('task_id') is not None: return get_work_response['task_id'] elif 'batch_id' in get_work_response: try: task = load_task( module=get_work_response.get('task_module'), task_name=get_work_response['task_family'], params_str=get_work_response['task_params'], ) except Exception as ex: self._handle_task_load_error(ex, get_work_response['batch_task_ids']) self.run_succeeded = False return None self._scheduler.add_task( worker=self._id, task_id=task.task_id, module=get_work_response.get('task_module'), family=get_work_response['task_family'], params=task.to_str_params(), status=RUNNING, batch_id=get_work_response['batch_id'], ) return task.task_id else: return None def _get_work(self): if self._stop_requesting_work: return GetWorkResponse(None, 0, 0, 0, 0, WORKER_STATE_DISABLED) if self.worker_processes > 0: logger.debug("Asking scheduler for work...") r = self._scheduler.get_work( worker=self._id,, assistant=self._assistant, current_tasks=list(self._running_tasks.keys()), ) else: logger.debug("Checking if tasks are still pending") r = self._scheduler.count_pending(worker=self._id) running_tasks = r['running_tasks'] task_id = self._get_work_task_id(r) self._get_work_response_history.append({ 'task_id': task_id, 'running_tasks': running_tasks, }) if task_id is not None and task_id not in self._scheduled_tasks:'Did not schedule %s, will load it dynamically', task_id) try: # TODO: we should obtain the module name from the server! self._scheduled_tasks[task_id] = \ load_task(module=r.get('task_module'), task_name=r['task_family'], params_str=r['task_params']) except TaskClassException as ex: self._handle_task_load_error(ex, [task_id]) task_id = None self.run_succeeded = False if task_id is not None and 'batch_task_ids' in r: batch_tasks = filter(None, [ self._scheduled_tasks.get(batch_id) for batch_id in r['batch_task_ids']]) self._batch_running_tasks[task_id] = batch_tasks return GetWorkResponse( task_id=task_id, running_tasks=running_tasks, n_pending_tasks=r['n_pending_tasks'], n_unique_pending=r['n_unique_pending'], # TODO: For a tiny amount of time (a month?) we'll keep forwards compatibility # That is you can user a newer client than server (Sep 2016) n_pending_last_scheduled=r.get('n_pending_last_scheduled', 0), worker_state=r.get('worker_state', WORKER_STATE_ACTIVE), ) def _run_task(self, task_id): if task_id in self._running_tasks: logger.debug('Got already running task id {} from scheduler, taking a break'.format(task_id)) next(self._sleeper()) return task = self._scheduled_tasks[task_id] task_process = self._create_task_process(task) self._running_tasks[task_id] = task_process if task_process.use_multiprocessing: with fork_lock: task_process.start() else: # Run in the same process def _create_task_process(self, task): message_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() if task.accepts_messages else None reporter = TaskStatusReporter(self._scheduler, task.task_id, self._id, message_queue) use_multiprocessing = self._config.force_multiprocessing or bool(self.worker_processes > 1) return ContextManagedTaskProcess( self._config.task_process_context, task, self._id, self._task_result_queue, reporter, use_multiprocessing=use_multiprocessing, worker_timeout=self._config.timeout, check_unfulfilled_deps=self._config.check_unfulfilled_deps, check_complete_on_run=self._config.check_complete_on_run, task_completion_cache=self._task_completion_cache, ) def _purge_children(self): """ Find dead children and put a response on the result queue. :return: """ for task_id, p in self._running_tasks.items(): if not p.is_alive() and p.exitcode: error_msg = 'Task {} died unexpectedly with exit code {}'.format(task_id, p.exitcode) p.task.trigger_event(Event.PROCESS_FAILURE, p.task, error_msg) elif p.timeout_time is not None and time.time() > float(p.timeout_time) and p.is_alive(): p.terminate() error_msg = 'Task {} timed out after {} seconds and was terminated.'.format(task_id, p.worker_timeout) p.task.trigger_event(Event.TIMEOUT, p.task, error_msg) else: continue self._task_result_queue.put((task_id, FAILED, error_msg, [], [])) def _handle_next_task(self): """ We have to catch three ways a task can be "done": 1. normal execution: the task runs/fails and puts a result back on the queue, 2. new dependencies: the task yielded new deps that were not complete and will be rescheduled and dependencies added, 3. child process dies: we need to catch this separately. """ self._idle_since = None while True: self._purge_children() # Deal with subprocess failures try: task_id, status, expl, missing, new_requirements = ( self._task_result_queue.get( timeout=self._config.wait_interval)) except Queue.Empty: return task = self._scheduled_tasks[task_id] if not task or task_id not in self._running_tasks: continue # Not a running task. Probably already removed. # Maybe it yielded something? # external task if run not implemented, retry-able if config option is enabled. external_task_retryable = _is_external(task) and self._config.retry_external_tasks if status == FAILED and not external_task_retryable: self._email_task_failure(task, expl) new_deps = [] if new_requirements: new_req = [load_task(module, name, params) for module, name, params in new_requirements] for t in new_req: self.add(t) new_deps = [t.task_id for t in new_req] self._add_task(worker=self._id, task_id=task_id, status=status, expl=json.dumps(expl), resources=task.process_resources(), runnable=None, params=task.to_str_params(), family=task.task_family, module=task.task_module, new_deps=new_deps, assistant=self._assistant, retry_policy_dict=_get_retry_policy_dict(task)) self._running_tasks.pop(task_id) # re-add task to reschedule missing dependencies if missing: reschedule = True # keep out of infinite loops by not rescheduling too many times for task_id in missing: self.unfulfilled_counts[task_id] += 1 if (self.unfulfilled_counts[task_id] > self._config.max_reschedules): reschedule = False if reschedule: self.add(task) self.run_succeeded &= (status == DONE) or (len(new_deps) > 0) return def _sleeper(self): # TODO is exponential backoff necessary? while True: jitter = self._config.wait_jitter wait_interval = self._config.wait_interval + random.uniform(0, jitter) logger.debug('Sleeping for %f seconds', wait_interval) time.sleep(wait_interval) yield def _keep_alive(self, get_work_response): """ Returns true if a worker should stay alive given. If worker-keep-alive is not set, this will always return false. For an assistant, it will always return the value of worker-keep-alive. Otherwise, it will return true for nonzero n_pending_tasks. If worker-count-uniques is true, it will also require that one of the tasks is unique to this worker. """ if not self._config.keep_alive: return False elif self._assistant: return True elif self._config.count_last_scheduled: return get_work_response.n_pending_last_scheduled > 0 elif self._config.count_uniques: return get_work_response.n_unique_pending > 0 elif get_work_response.n_pending_tasks == 0: return False elif not self._config.max_keep_alive_idle_duration: return True elif not self._idle_since: return True else: time_to_shutdown = self._idle_since + self._config.max_keep_alive_idle_duration - logger.debug("[%s] %s until shutdown", self._id, time_to_shutdown) return time_to_shutdown > datetime.timedelta(0)
[docs] def handle_interrupt(self, signum, _): """ Stops the assistant from asking for more work on SIGUSR1 """ if signum == signal.SIGUSR1: self._start_phasing_out()
def _start_phasing_out(self): """ Go into a mode where we dont ask for more work and quit once existing tasks are done. """ self._config.keep_alive = False self._stop_requesting_work = True
[docs] def run(self): """ Returns True if all scheduled tasks were executed successfully. """'Running Worker with %d processes', self.worker_processes) sleeper = self._sleeper() self.run_succeeded = True self._add_worker() while True: while len(self._running_tasks) >= self.worker_processes > 0: logger.debug('%d running tasks, waiting for next task to finish', len(self._running_tasks)) self._handle_next_task() get_work_response = self._get_work() if get_work_response.worker_state == WORKER_STATE_DISABLED: self._start_phasing_out() if get_work_response.task_id is None: if not self._stop_requesting_work: self._log_remote_tasks(get_work_response) if len(self._running_tasks) == 0: self._idle_since = self._idle_since or if self._keep_alive(get_work_response): next(sleeper) continue else: break else: self._handle_next_task() continue # task_id is not None: logger.debug("Pending tasks: %s", get_work_response.n_pending_tasks) self._run_task(get_work_response.task_id) while len(self._running_tasks): logger.debug('Shut down Worker, %d more tasks to go', len(self._running_tasks)) self._handle_next_task() return self.run_succeeded
def _handle_rpc_message(self, message):"Worker %s got message %s" % (self._id, message)) # the message is a dict {'name': <function_name>, 'kwargs': <function_kwargs>} name = message['name'] kwargs = message['kwargs'] # find the function and check if it's callable and configured to work # as a message callback func = getattr(self, name, None) tpl = (self._id, name) if not callable(func): logger.error("Worker %s has no function '%s'" % tpl) elif not getattr(func, "is_rpc_message_callback", False): logger.error("Worker %s function '%s' is not available as rpc message callback" % tpl) else:"Worker %s successfully dispatched rpc message to function '%s'" % tpl) func(**kwargs)
[docs] @rpc_message_callback def set_worker_processes(self, n): # set the new value self.worker_processes = max(1, n) # tell the scheduler self._scheduler.add_worker(self._id, {'workers': self.worker_processes})
[docs] @rpc_message_callback def dispatch_scheduler_message(self, task_id, message_id, content, **kwargs): task_id = str(task_id) if task_id in self._running_tasks: task_process = self._running_tasks[task_id] if task_process.status_reporter.scheduler_messages: message = SchedulerMessage(self._scheduler, task_id, message_id, content, **kwargs) task_process.status_reporter.scheduler_messages.put(message)